Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ablation Procedures

In April 2014 I had a facet injections in my upper back. It helped more than I could have expect, but it was supposed to last for 3 months and for me it only lasted for about a month or a little more. Since the facet injections so they scheduled me to have the ablation (they burn the nerves near the vertebra). 

But, BCBS denied the ablation because even though it's FDA approved they consider it "experimental." It was so hard because I've been in chronic pain for years and every other procedures I tried didn't last too long. I have been getting Botox to relax the muscles but again it was supposed to last 3 months and usually it would last for about 2 months or so. 

It is very hard being so young and in pain for so long. There comes a point where it's so bad being so young and being in pain for so long. There are times when I worry that I'll never be pain free. I also worry about what will happen after I get when I get older I hope I'm able to get relief from the pain. I'm not even out of my 30s and I've been in pain for so long I don't know the last time I was pain free, even low pain days. 

Finally I talked to the PA about paying for the procedure with cash. They do the procedures in two parts they do one side and then 2-3 weeks later they do the other side. The first one was on December 8 and the second was on December 29. The first procedure went over really well but the second one I done I was in more pain afterward. Now I have to see how long it'll last because the doctor told me it could be anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. I doubt it'll last 2 years, I can never get that lucky. That being said, I tend to have an issue with procedures they usually last on the shorter side. 

I am bitter because if I hadn't been misdiagnosed I probably wouldn't have to deal with chronic pain. I have gone to some crazy doctors who told me I shouldn't be in pain because MS isn't a pain disease. That's completely untrue! The National MS Society did a study and it showed that many people living with MS do experience pain. It amazes me because doctors say these things and don't have real evidence to back it up. 


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